Pinterest is the inspiration platform where we can spend hours to discover products, new recipes or creative decorations. Pinterest is not a network like any other, it stands as a great tool to be inspired.

Here are the top 10 reasons why you should definitely use Pinterest as well.

1) You'll become a Pinfluencer (that's how Pinterest influencers are called).

Still don't want to sign up?

2) We only put forward products that we love.

Whether it's recipes, decorations or organic drinks, on Pinterest you only share what you care about.

3) You proposed? OMG... Bridezilla alert! What are you waiting for? Go on Pinterest to see all the beautiful brides.

4) You've just moved and you don't know how to approach your new decoration, once again Pinterest is there for you, the platform is full of different types of decoration from the most wacky to the simplest.

5) Drive traffic to your blog, Instagram or YouTube account by implementing a content strategy.

If Pinterest allows you to attract people to the other platforms you use, then what are you waiting for to create an account.

6) You've lost the motivation to workout since the gyms are closed. Pinterest has the solution for you, the feed is full of simple and effective workout exercises to do at home.

7) Less personal photos, you are identified through your content and not for your reputation. The only thing that matters on Pinterest is the pictures and products you put forward, not who you are.

8) RECIPES, Pinterest is full of great pancake and cake recipes, you'll get plenty of ideas.

9) You want to organize a party for your boyfriend/girlfriend. Then this platform is made for you, in 15min you will find the ideas you need.

10) Join the Collective Pin, a select group of creators that matches with brands. A chance to be part of this small group of people who may not share the same interests as you but share the same passion for Pinterest.

After all these reasons you probably want to use Pinterest to ride this wave filled with recipes, decorations and Pinfluencers.

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