Last but not least! Here is our long awaited recap of the year 2021! What a year, we really loved working with each of you ❤️

We wanted to thank you but also every client we worked with. 

Despite many lockdowns in France, Belgium, Europe, our team proved once again that we are the best, but also that influence and content creators have never been better than this year

We also have the privilege to organize some events (with Nestlé in Plopsaland), but also participate in some meetings (European Commission and Digital First) and organize talks (IHECS). 

We launched our App (if you haven't downloaded it yet I don't know what you are waiting for… click here), and our brand new website you already love.

We were on TV thanks to Canal Z, and this was a very proud moment. 

And as they say: a picture is worth a thousand words, we offer you a video recap of 2021.

We are so ready for 2022 and for sure you are not ready for what we prepared for you.

BeReady 😉

*The agency is closed from 25/12 to 02/01* Back to the game on Monday 03/01.

Take care of you and have nice holidays <3

FOLLOW US @beinfluence
Dont' forget,

